musings on…
An occasional thought bubble. A musing on…
doing something just because you're good at it
When I was high school I had a friend who asked me to fill in for her at work one night when she was sick. She sold Tupperware at home-hosted parties. She was a fully-fledged grown up and I was sixteen so the whole idea that I could step into her role scared me breathless.
talking to yourself
My southern California-bred mother used to be very calm during earthquakes. The house would rock and the dishes would rattle and she taught me — I was about five years old — to say, “Okay, earthquake, stop now. Just stop moving,” and as ridiculous as it sounds, it gave me the happy illusion that I had control over the uncontrollable.
giving account
In leadership development circles, the word accountability has so smoothly melted into the vernacular that we almost don't notice it anymore. Let's notice it for a minute. Accountability is a characteristic that is highly prized when we think of it as the capacity to tell the story of a situation with the story teller at the center.
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