musings on…
An occasional thought bubble. A musing on…
mixed feelings
One of my favorite things a friend, colleague and coach, Ann Fry, told me recently was that I can love my work and still feel tired. Her precise words were, "There are a lot of things you love about your job. But it still makes you tired."
doing something just because you're good at it
When I was high school I had a friend who asked me to fill in for her at work one night when she was sick. She sold Tupperware at home-hosted parties. She was a fully-fledged grown up and I was sixteen so the whole idea that I could step into her role scared me breathless.
talking to yourself
My southern California-bred mother used to be very calm during earthquakes. The house would rock and the dishes would rattle and she taught me — I was about five years old — to say, “Okay, earthquake, stop now. Just stop moving,” and as ridiculous as it sounds, it gave me the happy illusion that I had control over the uncontrollable.
Search musings: