musings on…

An occasional thought bubble. A musing on…

Musings Jeannie Forrest Musings Jeannie Forrest

just move your chair

Picture me sitting in the back row of a packed faculty workshop. Every time I tilt my head to see the speaker, the guy in the front row leans directly into my line of vision.

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Musings Jeannie Forrest Musings Jeannie Forrest

being nice

On a flight from Houston to Salt Lake City, I felt lucky to have been assigned an aisle seat on an exit row after a harrowing travel schedule.  As I was about to be seated, the young woman on the inside seat said, "Would you be willing to trade seats

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Musings Jeannie Forrest Musings Jeannie Forrest

open roads and open hearts

Thirteen hours in a car with an old friend, from Houston to Mission, Texas. And back. Our lives have taken us in such different directions since we grew up like two peas in a pod.

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