musings on…
An occasional thought bubble. A musing on…
my outrage
I'm not sure that I get to fully wave the flag of my outrage or despair or disbelief these days. Instead, I may just get to acknowledge that I'm only truly beginning to fully absorb the daily experience--inconveniences, harassment, worries, precautions, small fears, and huge, legitimate fears for family members' lives--of my darker-skinned brothers and sisters.
my mom and meditation
My mother taught me basic meditation skills when I was quite young. If you’ve ever been to a Quaker Meeting, you’ll get an idea of the Meetings I grew up with. Lots of quiet sitting, especially for a little kid.
"it came to pass"
There are some events in life that render permanent change: the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, losing a job, a sudden divorce.
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