musings on…
An occasional thought bubble. A musing on…
turning seven, in dog years
My 7th birthday (in dog years, that is). I both love it and hate it that all the stuff old people used to say is actually coming true. Time does take on a different quality—it’s quick and slippery in a new way these days.
small talk: making it bigger
Upon meeting people, what face do you show them? Do you tell the truth about yourself? I find myself at events and dinner parties talking about the same old stuff. Most people want to know what I do for a living.
saying good-bye
Tonight after dinner, my daughter Robyn and I headed to the subway, she to go to her place and I to mine. At the bottom of the stairs, my train was waiting and, when I hesitated for a minute, she cheerfully said, “Get on your train, Momma!” and so without much ado, I hopped on, blew her a kiss, and the doors closed.
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