musings on…
An occasional thought bubble. A musing on…
the perils of the "hub and spoke"
"Hub-and-spoke" conjures up an image of an old-style wagon wheel. It also refers to a management style where the boss is in the middle (the hub) and all information and decisions are run back up through the middle and disseminated back out to the staff, administration, or department heads (the spokes).
you can't do a don't
When I took my toddlers into a store, it never led to success when I said, "Don't touch anything!" Or worse yet, "Don't break anything!" What was more effective was, "Put your hands in your pockets and keep them there."
poems left in the printer
Eight years ago, I travelled to Idaho for a holiday with friends on a mountain lake. For a long time after I got home, I left this poem on my printer, so I would see it when I printed work-related items.
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