musings on…

An occasional thought bubble. A musing on…

Jeannie Forrest Jeannie Forrest

defending the MBTI

Flurries of contention about the Meyers Briggs, the DiSC, and other temperament assessments have made me thoughtful about using these as a part of an approach to self-knowledge. I’ve been using these assessments for years and since the MBTI, in particular, has been taking some heat, it seemed like a wise moment to stop and read some of the claims against its use.

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Musings Jeannie Forrest Musings Jeannie Forrest

a year of chopping up the ugly

It’s been a year! If you’re like me, you can easily recall the eerie dread as we closed up our offices, sent our teams home to dining table workspaces, and hunkered down in front of a stream of bad public health news.

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